November 2022 Newsletter

EricNewsletter, Rosary Congress

Anne-Marie Brizendine

On November 30, 2022, the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle

We, the Church, are the Body of Christ.

A finger by itself can do nothing – but, connected to a hand and an arm, aided by the joints of knuckles, wrist, elbow and shoulder, it becomes a tool. A tool to communicate via the written word or sign; a tool to accomplish daily tasks of self-care, work, caring for neighbors, worship and many others. Together, in a united effort, great results can be accomplished with a body – objects moved, distances traveled, seeds planted, crops harvested, music created, and the list goes on. With many bodies in concert, the greater the results.

Just as each part of the human body, created by God, is needed to make it whole and powerful, we, as members of the Church are the Body of Christ and together, united, can accomplish great works.

Each year, beginning with the first Saturday in October, a Diocesan Rosary Congress is held remembering and fulfilling Our Lady’s request, by private revelation to a Polish prayer group, to hold a Rosary Congress. This is praying the Rosary hourly before the Blessed Sacrament for 7 days and nights. In 1979, Pope John Paul desired to go on a pilgrimage to Poland, the land of his birth, and was denied by the Communist Polish government. As requested, a Rosary Congress was held by the Polish people for the intention of the Pope, and on May 7, 1979 - on the last day of the Rosary Congress - Pope John Paul was granted the right to conduct his pilgrimage without restrictions.

The intercession of the Blessed Mother is the goal of the Diocesan Rosary Congress. Through a week-long vigil of praying the Rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament, Masses and processions, we ask for reparation for our sins, the sins of our communities and our country. We ask for blessings to flow and the grace to love one another. We ask for a change of heart for every one of us throughout the world.

Each Diocesan Parish is a member of the Body of Christ – a finger, joint, arm, neck, etc. Each is a living member, and united with the remaining members of the Body of Christ, can accomplish great things. We must inform the members of our family – the Church – about the Diocesan Rosary Congress, and how, through this one week of united prayer throughout our country, we can together implore Mary for her intercession. Help to educate our fellow parishes and members of the Body of Christ. Just imagine all our voices, throughout the United States, being raised together in prayer to our Lady for Her intercession along with Masses said daily – that, will be a powerful week of prayer. I look forward to the 2023 Diocesan Rosary Congress!


Anne-Marie Brizendine