December 2022 Newsletter

EricNewsletter, Rosary Congress

Jim Coyle

On December 27, the feast of St.John the Evangelist

Dear members and supporters of the Diocesan Rosary Congresses,

I was angry! I was worried. I was scared. But the anger that had been building up inside me was strong as I followed the ambulance taking one of my children to a hospital an hour away. As I sometimes did when driving to the bigger stores 45 minutes from home, I began praying a Rosary for my child because it was a good thing I could do. Within minutes of starting the Rosary – I don’t remember if I’d made it to the first decade yet – I felt a huge darkness being lifted from me. It was a grace-filled moment. My anger was gone. Tears filled my eyes as God’s peace filled me, and I felt the clarity of my love – His love – for my child. Our Lady responded to my Rosary by opening up amazing grace that sunny spring day.

While this letter isn’t about the details of that situation, it is an opportunity for me to again thank Our Lady for her response on my behalf, leading to her Son destroying the wall of my anger, and allowing me to be fully and lovingly present to my child throughout the medical crisis that day and three critical months that followed before everyone was home. The Rosary I prayed that day was miraculous!

I’d love to tell you that since that day over 20 years ago, I’ve faithfully prayed the Rosary every day, thanking Our Lady and her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, for their love and care for me and the people I love. But I haven’t been that faithful in my prayers. Even so, when I do look for Our Lady, she is there and I am comforted.

That miraculous Rosary years ago paved the way to my own “Yes” when I heard about the Diocesan Rosary Congresses. My involvement in Diocesan Rosary Congresses is serving behind-the-scenes, helping with some of the necessary administrative tasks so the leaders have more time to respond to Our Lady’s call to promote Eucharistic Adoration and publicly praying of the Rosary by bringing Diocesan Rosary Congresses to every Archdiocese and Diocese in the United States, and providing resources and support for organizers in other countries.

Personally, though, I experience Diocesan Rosary Congresses as a spiritual lifeline from Our Lady. I’ve met new people in different settings who are passionate in responding to God’s call, and that gives me new hope that Our Lady and Our Lord will break down the walls I’ve built around my heart and my “soul.” Will you say a prayer that I fully open the door and let them in? I’d be grateful. I will be praying for you as well.

God bless you,

Jim Coyle