What is Eucharistic Adoration?
Eucharist Adoration is the act of worshiping the Eucharistic Presence of Christ through Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It is a sacred practice dating back to the earliest days of Christianity.
Deep prayer and deep conversion to Christ can be difficult in the noise and tumult of the world. Our Lord Jesus Christ told his Apostles to go out and make disciples of all nations, “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.” Mt. 28:20. He has stayed here on this world for us, and He wants nothing more than for His followers, those He loves, to visit Him.
When we come before Jesus in the Holy Sacrament, when we gaze upon His Eucharistic Face, we can leave the noise and the cares of the world behind us for that hour, and engage with Christ, heart-to-heart, in that deep prayer that is only possible when we can shut out the world.
In Sinu Jesu – When Heart Speaks to Heart: The Journal of a Priest at Prayer (Angelico Press, 2016, reissued by Ignatius Press, 2018) is changing the lives of priests, religious and the laity all over the world. This powerful book details the locutions received by an Irish Benedictine monk while in prayer before the Holy Eucharist. God dwells deep within each of us, and it is through prayer before the Blessed Sacrament that we can grow closer to Christ and enter into that deep and loving relationship with Him that He desires for us.
Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament can be as simple as gazing upon Him in the tabernacle, repeating His name, or, as during a Rosary Congress, a recitation of the Rosary. When a single person prays the Rosary, it is a powerful intercessory prayer. But when prayed as a group and in succession with people across the nation, it becomes a more powerful force than we can imagine.