Eucharistic Rosary Congress Timeline for Main Coordinator
This is a suggested timeline. Some ERCs have been organized in less than 2 months. Not all Eucharistic Rosary Congresses will have every item mentioned below, so adjust as needed.

- Meet with parish priest to review details of the Eucharistic Rosary Congress (ERC). Discuss who, within the parish, should be included in the planning and coordination of the ERC. Ask your pastor to consider inviting the bishop to offer the Opening or Closing Mass of the ERC.
- Seek to put information on the parish website regarding the ERC, including an explanation of the ERC and sharing the intentions for the week.
- Along with local parishes, invite the diocesan communications office to promote the ERC to all parishes.
- Develop tentative schedule for the week of the ERC, including speakers, any special Masses, processions, confessions and have it approved by the host parish’s pastor (see sample schedules here, and here).
- Hold first planning meeting with planning committee, to include host parish’s pastor or administrator, Adoration Coordinator, Promotional Coordinator, and if needed a Mass/Confession/Procession Coordinator. Discuss if the parish will celebrate special Masses, additional Confession times, where and when the Marian Procession and the Eucharistic Procession could occur, and what items and materials are needed for the ERC.
- Adoration Coordinator should begin recruiting 24 Adoration Shift Captains.
- Promotions Coordinator and parish office staff to decide means of advertising event including parish communications, diocese email blasts and radio PSAs, etc.
- If the parish will celebrate special Masses, processions, and/or additional Confessions, the Mass/Confession/Processions Coordinator confirms what resources are needed.
- Adoration Coordinator should secure most of the Shift Captains and give detailed instructions.
- Identify and confirm guest speakers’ topics, dates, and times for the week of ERC.
- If using a sign-up app for scheduling adorers to cover the Adoration hours, prepare the scheduling app and decide when to launch it.
- Confirm with host parish’s pastor or administrator that necessary items for the events of the ERC are available; e.g., kneeler for leading the rosary, designated place where rosary binders can be stationed for the week, candles for candlelight procession, etc.
- Complete final draft of the ERC schedule for the week and send to parish priest and team of Coordinators for review.
- Send follow-up letter to local parishes reminding them to promote the ERC so parishioners are aware of it; for example, include it in bulletin, pulpit announcements and homilies (see examples in the Promotional section of our Resources page).
- Confirm with Coordinators that all areas of promotion, recruitment, and preparation for special events during the week are occurring on schedule.
- Follow up with host parish’s pastor or administrator to confirm any needed items for the events are available/ordered.
- Print out Rosary binders (available in the Rosary Binders section of our Resources page), fill in name of diocese for meditations.
- Communicate with local schools to sign-up classes or groups for adoration hours.
- Finalize the Evening Mass Schedule which will include all details for Masses and the Confession Roster.
- Adoration Coordinator begins preparing master Adoration schedule including adorer information.
- Confirm all guest speakers.
- Shift Captains confirm all hours have adorers to lead the Rosary, make copies of Rosary leaders to be posted in the narthex or Shift Captains’ Room during the ERC.
- Last push to encourage parishioners to participate via homilies and pulpit announcements.
- Shift Captains remind scheduled leaders of the Rosary one week before scheduled hour.
- Confirm all items needed for Shift Captain’s Room, such as Rosary binders, rosaries, prayer cards, and Adoration schedule with leaders of the Rosary..
- Display master Adoration schedule in narthex or entrance to church.
- Be at peace and know that Our Lady will bless all your efforts!
- After ERC, gather feedback from parish priests and Coordinators and Shift Captains, and send thank yous.
- Share following year’s dates for ERC with parishes involved.