March 2022 Newsletter

EricNewsletter, Rosary Congress

Carol Scherer

…which brings me back to that snowy Sunday in January, 2017, reading about the first Rosary Congress in Poland in 1979 and how the people near Jasna Gora Monastery in Czestochowa, Poland persisted in their trust that Our Lady would triumph!

February 2022 Newsletter

EricNewsletter, Rosary Congress

I knew in my heart a battle was going on. It was Good versus Evil, and inside this church was the Good. We were praying against the powers of hell, and it was powerful to be a part of it. My heart said at that moment, “I want to be a part of this; I want to give my life to this.”

January 2022 Newsletter

EricNewsletter, Rosary Congress

In 1978, Our Lady gave a plan of rejuvenation to the land of Poland which would successfully not only open the doors for Pope John Paul II to travel to Poland, but also, to revive the faith, the belief in Jesus in the Eucharist, and the Truth of the evil of the times. That plan is the Rosary Congress.

December 2021 Newsletter

EricNewsletter, Rosary Congress

Through the Diocesan Rosary Congresses, we are given the opportunity to encounter Him again and again, not as a tiny, weeping, helpless Babe, but a tiny, humble Host wherein lies the God who holds the universe in His Hand.

November 2021 Newsletter

EricNewsletter, Rosary Congress

By drawing near to our Eucharistic Jesus, in union with Mary, we are humbly acknowledging that we can’t fix things. We need Him. He will not disappoint us. He knows our needs and the needs of all souls throughout the world.